Safe and Sound Protocol

The Safe and Sound Protocol is a gentle, yet powerful, supplement to therapy.

It’s a listening intervention that works to stimulate the vagus nerve and support a greater sense of calm and safety. 

What is the Safe and Sound (SSP) protocol?

It’s an evidenced-based, non-invasive, listening practice that uses specially modified music to target nerves of the auditory system connected to the vagus nerve. Working on the vagus nerve is significant because it is the bundle of nerves involved in our autonomic responses of fight, flight, freeze and shutdown .

Through his research Dr. Stephen Porges, found that stimulating these auditory nerves could provide a number of benefits such as improved:

  • emotional regulation

  • social engagement,

  • stress management and

  • auditory sensitivity.

The Safe and Sound Protocol research indicates benefits may be noted for people dealing with the following:

  • anxiety

  • PTSD or trauma

  • emotional or social challenges

  • acute stress

  • difficulty focusing

  • auditory sensitivities

What does the Safe and Sound protocol look like ?

The SSP consists of working with a therapist to support listening to 5 hours of progressively processed music adjusted to a pace that works for you and your nervous system. The maximum listening per day is 30 minutes.

In practice, it can feel a lot like simply listening to music for a period of time but it’s more than that.

Often tools in mental health therapy, require us to actively do or think something. In the SSP, the music is actively working on your auditory (listening) system while in the background we actively remain aware of your nervous system’s response to it.

For more information:

“If you want to improve the world, start by making people feel safe.”

— Dr. Stephen Porges, Founder of Polyvagal Theory, Creator of the Safe and Sound Protocol.

Reach out to explore using this protocol to support your nervous system to find a greater state of calm.

Contact me for more information or click below